Tag Archives: Gandhi

Have you been kind to the lawyers in your life today?

10 Apr

I sure hope so because today is International Be Kind to Lawyers Day!!

Strategically sandwiched between April Fool’s and Tax Day, the annual holiday is the one day where lawyers of every stripe can be honored and treated like normal people for 24 hours.

Unlike other profession-specific holidays such as Hug a Nurse or Hug a Farmer, all a lawyer really asks for is kindness. One day a year. If you’re looking for ways to show gratitude to the special (someday) lawyers in your life, there are numerous suggestions about how to participate.

-Switch your ring tone to the “dah-dah” sound from Law & Order.

-Take notes on a yellow legal pad.

-Watch timeless lawyer movies such as To Kill A Mockingbird or Legally Blonde.

ps. Did you know that revolutionary, notable figures Gandhi and Gerard Butler were lawyers?

I didn’t. But it makes me love them so much more.